+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

The Secret Burden 

A much loved-minister of God once carried a secret burden of long - past sin deep in his heart. He had committed the sin many years before, during his Bible school training. No one knew what he had done, but they did know he had repented. Even so, he had suffered years of remorse over the incident without any sense of God's forgiveness.
A woman in his church deeply loved God and claimed to have visions in which Jesus Christ spoke to her. The minister, skeptical of her claims, asked her, "The next time you speak to the Lord, would you please ask Him what sin your minister committed while he was in Bible school." The woman kindly agreed.
When she came to the church a few days later the minister asked, "Did He visit you?" She said, "Yes."
"And did you ask Him what sin I committed?"
"Yes, I asked Him," she replied
"Well, what did He say?"
"He said, 'I don't remember."

Link: http://jokes.christiansunite.com/God/The_Secret_Burden.shtml

2 Answers

+1 vote

Beautiful!  Testimony that sin is forgiven plus forgotten about.


Thank you for liking this smiling reminder.


+1 vote

"I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins."

"For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more."

It seems the minister had not yet forgiven himself, at least not to the point of forgetting.

"For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me."



Yes, you cite it very correctly; what's weird: certain people keep reminding others constantly of one or several past errors, failures or awkwardnesses, when these others forgave and forgot about the faults of their offenders. Maybe that this is one of the causes, why so many good people - who admitted and apologised for past errors - cannot forgive themselves or forget about their own little "sins" or clumsiness.

And there's also the case in which people cannot understand why you don't say amen to everything they say. Once, I said that I did not like something - a simple taste (I'll take the example of "ketchup" for the taste or a fashion colour combination for the look). And this person felt offended and was finally "forgiving" me - oops - luckily, it was not somebody on one of our common sites here.


Lol, I think I haven't been forgiven by someone on this site, though he most probably tries his best to forget me.  :angel:  :D


Lol - I hope that things will settle ...

Take a break and have a laugh or at least a smile; I also managed to upset a good friend on another website, because I sent a general information with quite a few pictures further on, and he was not in the mood for reading and "grumbled" that he did not want to be taught; I told him to scroll down and look at the picture galleries. Now I hope that he did enjoy the pictures. And if I am sending too many links, nobody is obliged to read them - lol. I just think that they can be useful

Image result for beleidigte leberwurst




Lol, in meinem Fall, war es der beleidigte Kuhhirt.  :angel: :ermm: :D


Lol - :D für Dich zum Schmunzeln:


We voted yesterday, a bright and rather cold Sunday, and the results are very "sober(ing)", and they were expected. 



Lol, you know, the Busch stories often had very violent or deadly endings, such as would be considered very incorrect for children's books today.  But I vividly remember being much amused at Lehrer Laempel's pipe exploding as a small child.  :D


And yes, Islamic terrorists have raised the concerns of many people.  I hope Islam soon has its Enlightenment, because as Islam is mostly practiced today, it is inimical to the ideals of Western democracy.


Yes, you are perfectly right; most of the classic and modern literature of all kinds, historical records, the Bible and all the other sacred, philosophical and ruling scriptures, further news, studies, articles, cartoons, humour, games, etc., involve or mention extreme violence, discrimination, crude and rude conditions and terms, heart breaking tragedies, crimes and punishments, etc., and even today, horror, crime stories, thrillers and scandals are as popular as in the past. But they seem to have a controversed effect on many people.

I also hope and pray for more enlightenment in religions, business, politics, working sectors, daily life, societies, and relations among people and nature.

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