+2 votes
in Politics & Government ✌ by

WikiLeaks has revealed that the Clintons (correctly) saw Trump as the Republican who would be the easiest to beat in the general election. That is why Bill praised Trump early on, to encourage his nomination, and the MSM gladly followed suit for the same reason, saving all their dirt until now.


And of course, I'm sure there was a Clinton Plan B: to encourage Trump's running on a third-party ticket, in case Trump did not get the Republican nomination. Plan B worked well for Bill in 1992, when billionaire Ross Perot helped sink Bush Sr.

3 Answers

+2 votes

I've always wondered that ! I just can't understand what would motivate Trump to go along with this. He has plenty of money, so that couldn't be it. There must be some kind of business deal involved. It's a total shame on America if so !


I think what motivated Trump are ego and lust for power.  I don't think he was in on a conscious conspiracy with the Clintons; they and the MSM just egged him on.

+1 vote

There are many political and "financial" intrigues going on (like in the past), but I don't think that any of the dynasties or "clans" involved would dig their own grave. And TheOtherT(h)ink's logical analysis is convincing.

Sadly enough, certain mentalities and attitudes did not change, whatever the side.

Here in Europe, quite a few are referring to the extreme right wings:



Spiegel (for you, T(h)ink)


A report about visiting French journalist Gonin


But like in most cases, big business is involved - of course - sometimes from other, unsuspected sides.


Unfortunately, the Spiegel link was not there (repeat of the bbc link), and the 3rd link said you had to be a subscriber to read it, but I'll look for it via Google.

LOL!  The Duesseldorf Fasching political floats usually make a sharp point.  :D

How quickly the European Obamadoration faded:



And let's not forget Bill:



@ Marianne:

I found the Gonin link.  Most of what he says is correct, although I would style Trump as reactionary rather than fascist.  And a reaction to what?  To blatant corruption, selective enforcement of laws for political advantage, and almost daily lying by high administration officials that insults the intelligence of any thinking person.  But of course these scoundrels are not addressing anyone intelligent... just that segment of the population that listens to no more than sound bites, and of course all politicians do that to a greater or lesser extent, but I would judge Democrats to be worse overall in that regard than Republicans.

Gonin did make one mistake in the interview:  "Europeans have good memories. They know “that America has come to its defense twice,” Gonin said. “We want a sheriff, but not a violent one.” "

Twice?  I would say three times in the 20th century, and the sheriff had to be quite violent in two of them, and had to threaten extreme violence in the third, to hold the Soviets at bay.


Sorry, T(h)ink, I'll send some other links, as I had (have) some problems on-line (and I am still slowed down badly), so, the links did not register correctly. I'll try with the German version:

Spiegel (about economy, English)


And some more info in German:





The first link is interesting in that it comes from a Maronite Christian newspaper in Lebanon.

And the concern in the Spiegel article over "Trumps Gift" overlooks the real possibility of voter fraud (not that I think it would be sufficient to cause Trump to lose; he'll do that on his own), but it is not uncommon, and it is usually the Democrats that benefit from it and try to hide it, as this example shows:


In this story, New York Mayor de Blasio demands the resignation of the Manhattan Commissioner of Elections (himself a Democrat, but at least a more honest one) for saying out loud that there is voter fraud in New York.


They don't say much about that in Europe.

As you say it, if there is voter fraud, I don't think - like you - that it will be sufficient to change the results.

+1 vote

Trump's Candidacy, ' A disaster from the beginning.'


No, it was a howling success in the beginning, aided and abetted by the Democrats and the MSM, and for whom it is a howling success now.

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