+5 votes
in Suggestions by

Blurtit members that used to be here but left because of someone. I've been telling them he is no longer here. Like to see this site built back up ! 

4 Answers

+4 votes



Hello Dan. I had to make a new account and my password didn't work on the second try so I sent for a new one. Can I just use that one you sent or do I have to change to another? Sorry, haven't been here a while.

+3 votes

Fine by me, Rooster. The more the merrier. :)

As long as they're members who can get along :) 
+2 votes

Bring back all the people who don't like to argue. 


That's exactly why I left blurtit Skip. I visit here and there and that's about it. I've only mentioned this site to a few nice people and some more will come back around but there are a few that I sure do want to get away from.

+2 votes

An excellent idea, Rooster, thank you.

I hope that some of my lost SH friends will turn up.


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