+2 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by


2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
The Bermuda Triangle was mentioned in many news, stories, songs, documents, movies, etc., and besides myths, sea monsters and legends, they mentioned also rogue waves, hurricanes, strong currents, vortices, giant craters and other risks and dangers.








There were several songs on your side, for instance:

or Mort Shuman's story about the Bermuda Triangle (Allô Papa Tango Charlie), which was a great hit in Continental Europe, referring to a communication between the tower which was a great hit in Continental Europe, referring to a communication between the tower, using the phonetic alphabet, and a lonely, mourning pilot, heading deliberately to the Bermuda Triangle - which was a great hit in Continental Europe, referring to a communication between the tower and a lonely pilote heading deliberately to the Bermuda Triangle, using of the phonetic alphabet. .



Marianne, I don't know how it happened by my (second) response to your answer appears elsewhere below this question. (My first response just disappeared.) 



You are not the only one dealing with technical problems - I also lost sometimes messages, questions and answers on different sites, eventually due to local or regional network problems, my own errors, a slow system, an accident, etc.

Don't hesitate to ask Dan - he can help, and I'll check for your answer somewhere below the question ...


+3 votes

The Bermuda Triangle myth probably started with the disappearance of a training flight of 5 planes in 1945.

From the report, it is quite obvious that the pilot in command of the mission got badly confused and made some tragic decisions. Nothing supernatural about it, just (possible) equipment malfunction and human error.



The flight was supposed to follow a route 1-2-3-1, but instead ended up going to position 4 (the last known location) and running out of fuel sometime after that.


Nothing supernatural? Where's your spirit of romance and mystery? I'm going to have to Schultz this answer: "I know nuzzing; I see nuzzing."

You're right, of course (though I hadn't looked as far as the history of the stories) but it's a wonderful breeding ground for fantasies. 


Of course.  Fantasies can be great fun.  There are talk shows on the radio late at night that do nothing but discuss flying saucers, ghosts, vampires and other subjects like that.  And what's really scary is the number of callers that seem to take it all very seriously. :O

I've met such people. They beggar the imagination.

There was a marvelous horror/fantasy series that ran for many years as reruns on American TV. It had just the right admixture of tongue-in-cheek humor.


Didn't see that one. Not sure it ran in Oz. I kind of enjoy the weird and creepy, though. 


I loved that show !  Watched all the reruns when I came home.


My sister and I watched the reruns religiously as kids.  :D  Great show!


I just responded at some length to this then clicked the "Best Answer" button before saving it, and my comments disappeared. 

First, thank you for taking so much trouble with this. The links are extraordinary and I'd never heard any of the songs, so they were all new. 

All your links were interesting. I usually avoid Wikipedia but those were worth reading. 

I actually wondered whether the Triangle and the Sargasso Sea were parts of the same phenomenon and now, thanks to you, I know. What an amazing man Himilco must have been if he actually reached the Sargasso Sea 2400 years ago. It's more likely that he was exaggerating the difficulties of his voyage, but his account of the seaweed was right on the money.

I've read Plato's account of Atlantis. If I remember correctly he was recounting a tale told to him by travellers. Much more believable is Dr Charles Pellegrino's account in "Unearthing Atlantis" in which he postulates that a more advanced (by a couple of centuries) civilisation existed on the Greek Island of Thera. It didn't sink into the sea but was destroyed in a single day by a volcanic eruption whose properties were not understood until the eruption of Mount St. Helens (WA) in 1980. 

Again thanks for taking so much trouble with your answer. 



Thank you, Didge, I found your answer - lol.

Actually, besides the local conditions, hazards and risks, I thought also of the marine life of the Sargasso Sea, of the seaweed which gave its name to this region of the Atlantic Ocean, and it's fauna. And this region plays also an essential part in the migration of the European eel, its American relative, and also as a shelter for sea turtles, and various other marine creatures.






And south of the Bermuda Triangle, Caribbean piracy could flourish for more than 300 years:



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