+3 votes
in Websites by

3 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

Hi Kninjanin,

In my reading about the economy, I have come across the idea of "commodification," where people are just used as commodities to make money! And that is (purported to be) why social media is "free," so-called free anyway, because everything we click on is used to sell stuff to us.

And our privacy is invaded, violated, our most personal information harvested.

So the Internet has a breath-taking potential for us the common people to make connections with each other and learn, exchange ideas and grow...but there is definitely a dark side also. I like this site SOLVED very much because although I wish there were more people, those who do come here are thoughtful, courteous, and well-informed. Lots of joking and fun plus I learn lots!

* * *

To answer your question, I think the video is TRUE.

+4 votes

Like Virginia said. :)

+3 votes

Hello, Kninjanin - yes, our private life is at stake.

Virginia's comment tells us all about the positive and negative sides coming along with every new technology, commodity and improvement.

And being constantly connected is not so romantic ...


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