+2 votes
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We have not seen Suyanto Tirta on SOLVED for awhile, and he posted once about the terrorism there...now there are more bombs both yesterday and today, Sunday and Monday, and families are doing suicide bombing, parents with young children ages such as 9 and 12! Suyanto Tirta was in Jakarta I think, and these episodes are in the second largest city, Surabaya...

Does anyone understand why? The president says it is cowardice, but that does not make sense, surely you cannot be called a coward when you give your life for something you believe in that much?


3 Answers

+3 votes

From what I have read? There are a few terrorist groups throughout Southeast Asia and a plentiful supply of young ones that have been brainwashed into thinking they will be martyrs for doing this.

It's nothing new there or the Philippines and a few other areas like Japan.

They are all anti-government groups and mostly Muslim. But terrorism is world wide and will continue to be so.

Cowardice? Not necessarily but stupidity and waste of life do come to mind.


Rooster, that could be it! ...the belief in martyrdom...someone taking their children into that?


@Virginia : Recently read one of the newest Clancy books and in one chapter, they explained how they trained their "soldiers" and the kids they taught all the holiness of martyrdom when they blew themselves up for the "cause" and Islam. Also most of the vile leaders had a "kill" switch in the bomb vests that they could remotely trigger in case the kid got cold feet and they could detonate the bomb. How easily they could indoctrinate these people to do this is beyond me.


Dear Kninjanin, Tink, and Rooster,

I have found all three of your answers to be very helpful, insights I had not considered. I am very glad I asked this question, ty. <3

+3 votes

Madrassas that teach jihadist 'martyrdom' to children from an early age on are not rare.



Dear Kninjanin, Tink, and Rooster,

I have found all three of your answers to be very helpful, insights I had not considered. I am very glad I asked this question, ty. <3

+3 votes

Young people like adventures. Many young people try to prove their value like terrorists.


Dear Kninjanin, Tink, and Rooster,

I have found all three of your answers to be very helpful, insights I had not considered. I am very glad I asked this question, ty. <3

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