+4 votes
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7 Answers

+5 votes

Well SirFurryAnimal,

I don't know if this is really all that strange, but in Des Moines Iowa there is an ongoing epidemic of bedbugs; and they would spread like lightning through the (otherwise lovely) senior apartments where I lived. So every day almost, I would check settee/chair/EVERYTHING for their nasty little traces. I read up on bedbugs, and got pretty good at detecting them...you see where they have traveled because of their little feces...and they love soft settees and such.

So that is my answer for you; bedbugs. 

AND, if you ever post a question asking for our favourite trivia fact, I often answer that one with, "Did you know bedbugs will travel 200 feet in search of a blood meal?"

Some people don't react to their bites; I do, and they escalate in pain/itchiness/burning for about three days and then very slowly taper off...I have had a zillion bites like this, they are very characteristic:


Here you go, you can see the ingested blood in their translucent abdomen.



"Did you know bedbugs will travel 200 feet in search of a blood meal?"

They must have an excellent sense of smell, to detect a blood meal that far away. :O


Are they much of a problem there in Long Island, Tink? My impression when all this was going on in Iowa more than five years ago now, was that they were now in many urban areas of the USA.


They are a problem in NYC, but I haven't heard of anyone I know having an infestation on LI, although I'm aware of advertisements by exterminators.



Oh yes the dogs! They were wonderful...they were often the only way I could convince anyone about bedbugs being present, they can be quite occult early on. No one else could detect the awful things early, except me...I knew...and the dogs would always confirm me very reliably, I loved them!

Well Tink I hope you NEVER never get them...would not wish them on anyone.

+5 votes

A handful of popcorn from my girls! Wonder how much they ate and how much they dropped!

+3 votes

I never found anything more unusual than coins. I used to look for them when I was little.

Finders keepers. ;)

+4 votes

About six of my dog's dental chews .... she apparently hated them!  :ermm:


Ha Ha! Had ya fooled, huh?? :D


Yep!  She's a sly one! ;)

+5 votes

Nothing that I know of. They're pretty new and I haven't been here for months to even sit in them. I'm sure I'll find something in time.

+3 votes

A pair of my favorite sewing shears.  They slipped so deep vacuuming & cleaning didnʻt cause them to resurface.  Had to buy new ones since they were lost for a couple of years.  I donʻt remember how I happened to find them it was so long ago.  Decades.  I still have them and they are still the best shears Iʻve ever owned.

+3 votes

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