+5 votes
in Miscellaneous ♑ by

How many pairs do you own?

You only have one pair of feet :D

5 Answers

+4 votes

'Tis WELL-known among cognoscenti,

 I LOVE all my footwear a-plenty.

 But unlike Imelda,

 I'm frugal and held-a

 It down to just 15 or 20.



Yes! Imelda is the one I thought of, upon reading this question...

+5 votes

Ah Sirfurryanimal this is such a powerful question! I think I have about eight pairs...however, three of those are flip-flops and three more are various incarnations of boot, for our rainy raincoast weather. Which actually brings us to nine, because I also have three pairs of 'regular' shoes!

+5 votes

Reckon I have about four pairs. Two pairs of cowboy/work boots, a pair of tennis shoes and one pair of nice shoes for going places. That's all I got. But if you add the wife and girls? Probably enough to start a shoe store.

+4 votes

Let's see. Two pairs of moccasins, two pairs of over priced tennis shoes and two nice pairs of Sketchers shoes for better occasions.

+3 votes

I have about eight pairs for different occasions, colors, and weather.

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