+5 votes
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6 Answers

+4 votes

Don't recollect ever really having one.


You kids never wanted bedtime stories because you were too busy playing grabass!


I can believe it! :D

+4 votes

My Mom used to read me some of Walt Disney's "Uncle Remus" stories. In fact, I still have the book all these years later.



I loved those stories too!  Can you still find your Laughing Place?  8-)

Image result for uncle remus laughing place

+4 votes

Well, 'favorite' might not be quite the right word, but the one that made the deepest impression on me was Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Match Girl". :'(

+4 votes

I loved the story of Wynken, Blyken, and Nod. :)

Image result for wynken blynken and nod

+3 votes

Hi Sirfurryanimal,

Well that had to be the fairy tales from the Black Forest of Germany...ALL of them...I could not get enough of that, daytime too! Then 40 years later I learned about archetypes, and the archetypal quality of many fairy tales.

Oh, and when I had read the red fairy book, the green blue yellow etc. fairy books, then I expanded into fairy stories of other countries, definitely to include Hans Christian Andersen and THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL that so impressed Tink!

Still somewhat fascinated, too. A few years ago, a friend introduced me to the tale of the Undines, from where you learn it was the Undines (or Ondines) on which HC Andersen based this take of The Little Mermaid.


Yes, Virginia, I wept for the little match girl when I first read the story as a child. I still get teary today. :'(

+4 votes

My favorit time was between 8 and 9 pm.

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