+5 votes
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There must have been something.

4 Answers

+6 votes

Yesterday, the wife and girls and I took the four wheelers out and played in the snow for a while. It was a total blast!


Nice! :)

+5 votes

My daughter and I went out for a delicious dinner. 8-)

Not world news, but we enjoyed it.

+5 votes

The weather here is lovely today. :)

Good news for each laddie and lass:

Spring's coming, blue skies and green grass.

And diseases and rashes

Of stock market crashes,

They too, like the winter, shall pass.


Our area is getting some much-needed rain. :)

+4 votes

This is such wonderful news...a judge has ordered that Chelsea Manning be released from prison. She was the one who leaked the Collateral Murder video to WikiLeaks in 2010, and she was being held for refusing to testify to a grand jury against Julian Assange.



"Manning has repeatedly objected to the grand juries and said she was not willing to testify. In 2019, she told Judge Trenga in a letter: "I object to this grand jury ... as an effort to frighten journalists and publishers, who serve a crucial public good. I have had these values since I was a child, and I've had years of confinement to reflect on them. For much of that time, I depended for survival on my values, my decisions, and my conscience. I will not abandon them now." "



Tink, I would have guessed you might disagree with me on this one...but no, sounds like we are seeing it in a similar light? 

Yes  this with Assange has brought me out of retirement, to advocate for what could prove to be a watershed in loss of freedom in the USA. The folks I listen to say there is not much hope, however, because there is just too much of US brute power invested in stopping what Assange stands for...I still hope that is incorrect and we all can successfully take our stand here.


Yes, Virginia, we agree. The MSM can no longer be trusted to tell truths the Establishment would rather keep under wraps.


Your perspective is actually good news to me in a broader sense...I myself would NEVER have been able to doubt MSM or anything governmental without that first-hand experience in Iowa (the eviction you and I have already talked about). 

I have been afraid that first-hand experience might be necessary for doubts like mine, and I have been very concerned the loss of freedom could all be complete by the time enough people ran into those totalitarian walls.


Even without direct experiences such as yours, Virginia, it has been becoming more and more evident. I do hope the fourth estate regains a sense of reporting the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, regardless of politics. It is currently a disgrace. :angry:


...and a big amen to THAT, Sister Tink!

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