+5 votes
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What do you plan to do during isolation in order to keep yourself occupied?

6 Answers

+4 votes

Not much different than we do every day. One girl still in school and the other works, so it'll be about the same up here.

+4 votes

I stock up on things when I go shopping, so I'm set for a while and I work from home anyways. I personally think this will blow over soon.

+3 votes

Absolutely nothing different.  I live in a very quiet, rural neck of the woods away from population centers so, I'm not altering anything.  I walk across to my wood shop or go for a walk in the woods or down by the ocean, and I suppose for the most part, outside of the occasional trip, that is about it.

And, as far as trip's go.....I'm just not getting all spun....I'll still go.  I'm also not buying masks and toilet paper, though buying stock in it seems like a good idea right now. ;)

+3 votes

Hi Sirfurryanimal,

Yes I am making some changes; I am in Washington State, and we got hit early with COVID-19.

For me, it's more just being aware to minimize any possible exposure, because I live in a small apartment with only fifteen units, and they are all frail elderly and handicapped. Right now, I can hear my downstairs neighbor coughing...in her eighties, she has COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)...quite frail...I don't want to bring anything home. 

So I time any essential excursions to low-traffic hours. And then, for your question, I am using the time to study and read, I am glad we live in the age of Internet. Also I am collecting more simple and wholesome recipes, trying them out!

+2 votes

Yes, more hand washing, more disinfecting, and starting tomorrow, working from home via internet.

Oh, and I don't blame the crows for this.


+3 votes

I read books.

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