+4 votes
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4 Answers

+4 votes

Do the scr*wing first, Jimmy, before  you get drunk.

I have a suggestion for you:

Lay off of the booze and the brew,

Cuz IF you get drunk

As a poor, sotted skunk,

You MIGHT not be able to scr*w.  :P
+4 votes

Don't drink much but it's just like every other day here. With the exception of both of my girls home. Isn't anybody around me for a mile at least. No problem.

+4 votes

Doesn't bother me in the least. Miss my lady but we'll get over it!

+2 votes

No the self-isolation is not bothering me, if that's what I can do now to help slow the pandemic then I am glad to take part. Just get lots of studying done, reading and learning.

I definitely bent the elbow a few times in younger days, but my elderly lady body does not tolerate all that as well now so while I still enjoy drinking, it's typically very moderate.

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