+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

Answer: the Wuhan basketball team. :ermm:

4 Answers

+2 votes

Well Tink yes and I heard it another way too...Coronials are the current generation, those youngsters growing up with coronavirus as a part of their way of life...

So the millennials started getting born in 1980 (oh, that is you then!), Gen Z in 1995, used to be called Gen alpha born 2013 and beyond, but now as of 2020 the new kids are the Coronials!

 :'( (Dan needs to find one of these little guys wearing a face mask...)

Yes they have 'em here you go...the archetypal Coronial...hmmm...wonder if they have a basketball player yet???


+3 votes
They are the Covidians.
+2 votes

Think they might be some of the smartasses on SW!

+2 votes

I read it as Colonials!

Lucky i noticed before i said the Aussies..:woot:


Good thing you did, or it would have been G'die Moite for you... :D

Reminds me of a WW2 joke from the Pacific theater:

Wounded English soldier waking up in an Australian hospital: "Ohh, nurse, tell me,did they bring me here to die?"

Nurse, "No, moite, they brought you here yesterdie."

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