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The State of the College address was given very little publicity this year...  :angel:

1 Answer

+2 votes

Tink I watched the whole thing, both videos -- and glad to catch up too. I really liked Bret Weinstein, and followed his progress for a while after he left Evergreen. I felt Weinstein's heart was a bit broken, both he and his wife were well regarded among students and both very much embodied, even enhanced the Evergreen vision.

Benjamin Boyce covered the whole saga well, I thought, including these later videos. The Board is still carrying through with the bizarre pretense, the fabrications, even as the college collapses...such hubris, don't they even care that people see through the spin? 

No accountability, along with Weinstein and his wife still gone...casualties of incompetence. 


Well, they really have nothing left beyond the bizarre pretense, unless they want to admit that it was a pretense and nonsense from the beginning.

Reminds me of some diehard Marxists of today: "Oh, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc, didn't get it right, but WE will."


"unless they want to admit that it was a pretense and nonsense from the beginning." Tink, I encountered an intriguing possibility the other day...that if someone is to do a thorough and deep self-examination, you need to have a certain level of self-esteem; cannot bear it otherwise.

But Bridges is leaving next year, after his 5-year term expires...somewhere, he must be aware if even subconsciously that something is not going well, here...

idk about the Marxist stuff...maybe it's just more of the same goofiness, crashing one system and then shifting your own self-protection into another venue...to see if that will help?


"...a certain level of self-esteem; cannot bear it otherwise." Yes, exactly.

What the Evergreen State board and much (most?) of the faculty have in common with Marxists is that they can't bear the failure of a flawed philosophy that they used to make up for their own deficiencies.

Here is a long interview with Bret Weinstein.


Tink I did watch the whole interview...found it quite poignant. Was reminded of George Orwell's definition of a tragedy (memory might be a bit fallible from ~60 years ago), something like "a tragedy exists precisely when the right does not triumph, but it is still felt that man is nobler than the forces which overcome him."

I have wondered what kind of power George Bridges wielded, that the board did not call him to account, possibly even fire him; well, these two discuss that the board could not admit they made a mistake in hiring Bridges!

Bret is still doing his best to spread this powerful dialogue/dialectic (NOT debate!) that cradles this wonderful chemistry of minds building upon each other for more than the sum of the parts, but it's not as effective as Evergreen's unique venue...however, he could not have acted otherwise for the sake of staying there...must be true to the principles... professor-in-exile.

Several more very fine points they brought out...truly a delight, I thought.

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