27. Gardyloo: used in medieval Edinburgh as a warning cry when it was customary to throw slops from the windows into the streets
28. Gobbledygook: a meaningless language
29. Halfpace: a platform of a staircase where the stair turns back in exactly the reverse direction of the lower flight
30. Hallux: big toe
31. Hent: to grasp; to seize
32. Hullabaloo: a commotion
33. Ickle: little
34. Ill-willie: having an unfriendly disposition
35. Imago: the idealized mental image of a person
36. Impignorate: to pledge, pawn, or mortgage
37. Jabberwock: nonsense, gibberish
38. Jaculiferous: having arrow-like prickles
39. Jargoon: brilliant pale or colorless zircon