+2 votes
in Suggestions by

Many tell me they are NOT sure who is talking to who.

You get 4 or more People in a thread discussion chatting , it gets really CONFUSING 

I want your Feed back on this :)


I am confused Serenity
I don't really care

6 Answers

+3 votes

It would be good if the comments to answers would each appear directly below the original answer to which the comment refers.

As it is now, if I have two answers I wish to respond to, BOTH of my comments appear below the second answer, rather than one comment under each answer.

Yes but an even simpler solution would be if it said

Darkest Serenity  to  TheOtherTink   with this comment , then if 3 people join in this convo , you know I'm talking to you :)
Yes, and I sometimes did that in complicated conversations on SH, even though they had the system I described above -- the system didn't always work.
+2 votes
I am confused Serenity, by

Yeah sometimes I get a little confused.

+3 votes

That's why I try the "@Serenity" type thing

I remember Group PM's with 30 Friends on SH  and I kept saying

TYPE  @ SERENITY PEOPLE because I have no clue who is talking to who  lolz
+2 votes
I am confused Serenity, by

It's ok now, but as more join it will get complicated ...

I think it's already complicated enough tbh
You , me and our Friends start chatting
unless I use your name , you're gonna have no idea who I'm talking to

We had the same problem on Blurtit
On FB they say the name first who they are talking to...
I think whoever they click on to converse with on FB ,
that name comes up in Blue hi light
I'm not sure  tbh
IT does but you have to start typing first..
Well from what I have heard about those SH FB Groups with 300 People in
I think they need to use each others names

When you think about it , if we were in a Pub together in a Group
how would I get your ATTENTION  

I would say your NAME  but on here People just chat away not saying who they are talking to PLATINUM
You could undo your blouse.....that will get my attention
hahaha    ya Cheeky Sod Platinum
lolz   you are funny JD
+1 vote


0 votes
I don't really care, by

I haven't gotten confused yet, but I haven't had many people talking to me.

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