+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

7 Answers

+3 votes
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But in the future I might sometime.

+5 votes
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I don't recall that I've done that BUT......what a wonderful scenario to contemplate....some foreign b&w noir film is playing and there you are up on a rather deserted upper balcony with a stunning woman.


+4 votes
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Omg, first Amber asks how often I google myself, now you ask if I've made out in a movie theater.

What's this website coming to? Can't I have ANY privacy?

+3 votes
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By myself

+4 votes

I most certainly did. I had to see Scarface twice because I was so distracted the first time I went to see it.

I only looked up once because a particular piece of dialogue piqued my interest.

I'm thinking "loaded gun...."
Nope. After he shot his sister's new (secret) husband, and she starts screaming, "Fuck me Tony!"
I got nuthin'....
+1 vote
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Yes. It has been a while but it has happen.

+1 vote
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I've done more than make out.....

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