+3 votes
in Science & Technology ⚡ by


Yes 4 votes, 100%
No 0 votes

4 Answers

+2 votes
Yes, by

There must be life on other planets too.

+2 votes

Since it's already been proven...yeah.

It has?  Other than on Earth?
Yes, I heard about this, but I think the case is not proved yet.  The article itself is titled "Fossil Microbes on Mars?" with a question mark.
+1 vote

I think it is likely, not necessarily in the Solar System other than Earth, but in the galaxy.

+1 vote

About 15 years ago I interviewed the director of the Western Sydney Observatory on community radio. She had previously been involved in SETI but had found it more productive to switch to SETL (the search for extra-terrestrial life). Microbes. Anything.

Nothing had been found at that time yet, given the vast number of planets, it's hard to imagine that there's not some kind of life somewhere.

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