+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

Here is a site where you can choose a pic online or upload one of yourself and then the robot will determine what age you look like. Many times it isn´t so accurate but sometimes it can work good too.


9 Answers

+9 votes
SWEET! Told me I look 43! That's what clean living can do for you kids!
I believe you.....lol
+7 votes
I did the test and the result was 21 years ..
I'm 19 years old

Very interesting
+7 votes
I uploaded five photos and each of them said:

22,27,23,29,19 years old

And I turned 21 one month ago and used photos from only this year so it´s pretty accurate.
+8 votes
It said I was 9 years younger....so can't complain
+7 votes
It said I look 69 years old...10 years older than I am.
+6 votes
Lol...Sophia Vergara as 29...that's hilarious :P She is awesome.

So I tried two photos and one said 13, which is correct. And the other said 7. Wtf. That's kind of embarrassing, but I'll take it I guess.
+4 votes
it said i was 29. but im 25 lol. in real life, i've had many people say that i look 19 or 20ish.
+3 votes
I am 71, look 71, and feel like 91.

Got aches in muscles that I didn't know existed.
+4 votes

Woohoo!!! I look 39. :)

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