+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

6 Answers

+3 votes

+2 votes

It was one of those Golden books during the 50's and it was about Peter Pan.

+3 votes

Apart from those that were given to me as gifts, the first books I can recall buying were the Biggles series by Captain W.E.Johns. In my early teens I liked reading Westerns and one I recall particularly -- from around 1950 -- was The Two Gun Quaker. It was probably rubbish but I wouldn't mind reading it again to see. :)

+1 vote

One of the first books I remember was one about guineapigs which was from the library.

+1 vote

Carrie by Stephen King.  I remember it because I had to have a note from my Mom before the librarian would let me check it out.  Probably because I was nine.  :-)

+1 vote

i do remember the library,i do not know what comic book i went for, i was so small and happy,

this is one of the best memories for kids, first visits to the local library


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