+3 votes
in Miscellaneous ♑ by

5 Answers

+1 vote

It wouldn't motivate me.  It's not the cost that's the issue.  It's the wasted time and paper spent on cards for people who don't pay me any mind the rest of the year.  If they want to talk to me, they know where I am.

I don't even like receiving cards from most people.  I'm like, "Really?  You haven't said one word to me in person, on the phone, or even in a text message for three years, but now you're sending me a card with a picture of your family on it?  Hey, congrats on the new kid that you didn't bother to tell me you had until now."

+1 vote

Not really.

+1 vote

I think it would be a nice gesture but the US Postal Service would have to agree to such a limited stamp.  I know Hallmark would strongly endorse a reduced limited time stamp during Christmastime.

+1 vote

I don't think so. People will send cards or not even with a reduced stamp. Those that send them annually will appreciate it, but the low cost stamps won't motivate people to send them. When sending a card during that time there are too many other reasons besides cost that motivate people to send or not to send a card. I have never heard of anyone making that decision solely based on the cost of a stamp.

0 votes

I don't know.  I think it is a good idea.  I try to send cards to my coworkers and the few people I socialize with.  I love sending cards.

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