+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

5 Answers

+4 votes

I have no trouble writing, but I'm not good a freehand drawing. 

The things I draw just don't look right.   :-)

+4 votes

Concentrating on the plot while I am writing.

+3 votes


It used to be my tears but after 18 yrs I'm writing again and it's Wonderful , feels like a Lover has returned and Fired up the Passion in me all over again. 

+4 votes

That the story when I write can be too long. And when I draw I might redraw the picture since I want it to look closer to perfect.

+1 vote

It depends on what I am writing. When I am writing essays my biggest problems are distractions (like the Internet). When I am making personal writings I don't have much trouble.

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