+4 votes
in Politics & Government ✌ by

HILLARY & HUMAby, Tee Quake

There is a massive, 8,000-pound gorilla in the room, and it’s getting some of the attention it deserves, thanks to Right Side News and several contributors; in particular, journalist, Eliana Benador, “Obama Administration Must Relieve Huma Abedin Of Her Position - With Immediate Effect”, Right Side News, July 18, 2011, and, Frank Marshall, , “Weiner Fallout and the Muslim Connection”, Right Side News, June 24, 2011.) 

Most astounding is "Mainstream Media’s" utter lack of attention paid to Huma Abedin. If Abedin was anyone, other than an Obama regime insider (she’s a key adviser to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton), the “free” press would be crucifying her with the tenacity of the Navy SEALS. Anthony Weiner’s sexual peccadilloes, which the “drive-bys” covered like the story of the century, is a completely meaningless red herring, in lieu of his wife’s connection to BOTH: (A) the highest levels of the United State’s government; AND (B) powerful proponents of Islamic fascism. The mere appearance of impropriety warrants an investigation, employing the highest level of scrutiny. Progressives would have buried this story and we would know nothing about it, but for the courage of a few journalists, such as Eliana Benador, and, Right Side News, that provides a forum where the truth can be presented. The question is: "How does a person with strong connections to an enemy of the United States, obtain top security clearance?"

The radical Islamic takeover has advanced way beyond building unwanted mosques. Anthony Weiner is the New York Congressman disgraced in an email sex scandal. He is married to a devout Muslim, Huma Abedin. Abedin is a key adviser to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Abedin’s 2 brothers are ranking members of the Muslim Brotherhood; her mother is in the Muslim Sisterhood - groups linked to radical Islamic jihad and acts of depravity. There is a mountain of evidence that Abedin is a spy. Yet, there is no investigation. The Mainstream Media is silent about everything except Weiner’s sexual disgrace. People could once tell you the color of Weiner’s underwear, but not a word about his spy-wife’s carte blanche access to government secrets through Clinton. My 95-year-old granny can’t get on a jet without the TSA probing her pampers. Meanwhile, Clinton employs a spy and no one cares. Folks, the USA is doomed as long as we tolerate greedy, evil, and corrupt political leadership.

Moreover, Abedin was raised in Saudi Arabia. Her father is a devout Muslim. There are credible allegations that Abedin improperly (illegally) influenced Weiner’s votes before he resigned from Congress. It is extremely "unusual" for a Muslim woman to marry a Jewish man. In fact, it is prohibited by the Qur’an, unless the Jewish man (in this case) converts to Islam before marriage. Ex NYS Congressman Weiner represented a constituency of observant Jews. It is sheer fantasy to believe that they would elect a Muslim to Congress. However, the Qur'an has exceptions to marrying a Jewish man; for example, if there is a reason considered of "overriding importance" to permit marriage. Over-riding importance would include allowing the marriage to facilitate planting a spy high-up in the Obama regime and to spread the global Muslim caliphate.It also requires the approval of a ranking imam. Both these conditions were met in the Abedin/Weiner case. If this country collapses, it won’t be because of Muslims, al Qaeda, jihad, Iran, or, myriad other outside influences, it will be because of GREEDY, EVIL & CORRUPT politicians, right here at home. Obama's actions and policies are the most striking example of greedy, evil, and corrupt, leadership, with covert, anti-American reasons, for almost every decision.image

Yes, because
No, because
Neither, because

6 Answers

+1 vote
No, because, by

There was a lot of talk that she had Ikhwani relatives but there was never anything that proved that it influenced her job (even if it was true).


I respectfully disagree.

+2 votes
Did Huma have an unsecured server too?  Or did she send classified information to Hillary's server?
If so, then she, like Hillary, is at least an inadvertent spy for anyone that may have hacked into Hillary's server.

With all due respect, the Abedin case and Clinton's traitorous misuse of her server are completely separate issues. They are both extremely serious breaches of the security of the United States.In fact, at one point after Abedin's "Top Security Clearance" came to light, in lieu of her family connections to Islamic fascism, 5 Republican Congressional Representatives wrote a letter merely asking to "review a copy of Abedin's application for Top Security Clearance". The request was NOT opposed only by Democrats, but McConnell and Boehner, Republican leaders of the Senate and House, respectively, ordered the Congressional Representatives to withdraw their letter. Perhaps someone can explain that bizarre behavior from the Republican Congressional leaders.


And the 5 Republican Representatives simply knuckled under without going public?  What threats did the leadership make to keep them quiet?


THAT is an excellent question, TheOtherTink! At that time, there was quite a stink on Conservative Talk Radio and on the Internet about Abedin (many even alleged Clinton and Abedin were romantically involved), but the MSM zipped the story-up tightly, claiming it was foolish sour grapes by a bunch of Conservative Congressional Republicans. Was it around the time of the "Republicans allegedly threatening to close-down the government over budget disagreements?" I don't remember. However, you must remember what Boehner did to NEW Tea Party and Conservative members of the House, right? He stripped them from every meaningful Committee Post, if they refused to vote EXACTLY as he directed. McConnell was not quite as obvious a RINO, Obama-drone, but DRONE he was. Michele Bachmann (R, MN), lead the quest for a review of Abedin's application. When Congresswoman Bachmann came up for reelection, the corrupt GOP/RNC refused to give her a single cent toward her campaign! Bachmann won anyway, but later notified supporters that she was leaving the House. (Unlike ME, SHE has far too much class to call the Boehner House, "corrupted".) Here is the site for a detailed article by the MSM. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huma_Abedin  Not surprisingly, the Progressive Washington Post led the way. I'm sure we spoke on SodaHead and I see you know 56lady, so I bet you'll be fair! BTW, during the 2014 election, Boehner and McConnell donated up to $50,000 a piece, to Establishment Republicans facing Conservative and Tea Party opponents, right after 3rd in control, Republican Eric Cantor, LOST his primary to a Tea Party opponent. Whoops! In a huge win for Conservatives, Cantor quit, soon thereafter. (It's a rough and tumble Congress, when you are corrupt.)


Yes, I remember you now from SH, you were on my friends list; sorry I didn't recognize you earlier!

It certainly looks as if there is an old boy network in Washington, meant to keep the corrupt politicians in power, regardless of nominal party labels.  Thanks for the info.



I thought so. Great to see you again. I looked at your SH profile (you left for 56lady; sorry) and realized we had to have been friends. Your profile pages are outstanding.

+5 votes
Yes, because, by

She still is.  


Howdy, zbacku, I cannot tell you how happy I am to see your name here. As so often happens, the disreputable actions of a few (The Old SodaHead closing with NO NOTICE and barring ex-Conservative SH members from participating in any new venture [not that I'd want to], gives rise to a FAR BETTER replacement, as I believe is happening here. (Eat your heart out, fef. Just think of all that money!) 


zbacku! Missed you.


Hi, Shadow76 and Zbacku!  I remember you guys from SH!  Glad to see you!


+4 votes
Yes, because, by

"What difference does it make "


"what difference does it make?" That's our Hillary! Sorry I missed it before! DAH! Abedin was feeding information she was privy to, to Islamic fascists, because of her Top Security Clearance; it's AT LEAST as damnable as Hillbillary sending secret information over an insecure server.We are talking about Top Secret Government Secrets that NOT EVEN many top military officers were cleared to observe; need to know basis and the Secretary of State, needed to know.  FORGIVE ME FOR PREACHING TO THE CHOIR DIRECTOR, 56LADY!


Geez, 56 lady, you were way ahead of me. "what difference does it make"; Hillbillary's famous commentary before Congress about the 4 dead heroes at Benghazi! Sorry to be so,THICK, 56lady! GREAT COMMENT; thank you for not demolishing me for my stupidity!!! You are so kind!image image




Hi matey !! LoL:) 

So glad to see you again!! 


I wondered if anyone would get ! LoL:)

I could never "demolish" you.  I value and respect you my friend.


Arrrgghhh!  This calls fer a celebration, Matey!

It's been a long dry spell!  Here's to ya and all the Pirates!  Cheers!! :)


edit:  Shiver me timbers, the blasted image didn't show, Matey!  Well, here's the URL:


+3 votes
Yes, because, by

Because at times it seemed she was running things while killary was a figurehead.

0 votes
Yes, because, by

She is a Muslim and they really want to take us down.

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