+1 vote
in Arts & Humanities by


7 Answers

+1 vote

I turn on the TV.

+1 vote

Get on the internet, which means, I get bored a lot.

0 votes

I watch youtube, play a game, taking photos of my self etc.

+1 vote

I read a book or listen to music. If it's real bad, I'll clean something with the music blaring through the house.

+1 vote

If online on a site I will randomly message people or leave and watch tv or netflix

+1 vote

Depends what the weather's like.  If it's nice out,(including Winter), I may go out and wander around.  If I feel lazy, I'm probably on-line.  I need to decide to read more.  I have several books ahead of me that I want to complete------but doing that, I have to feel compelled to do it.

Right now with the snow melted, I have a bunch of dog crap on the lawn staring me in the face.  Guess what I'm doing next. 8-)

+1 vote

I gather the money I've earned over the course of the last couple of months and counted them. The repetition never gets me bored

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