+3 votes
in Family & Relationships by


Of course

5 Answers

+2 votes
Of course, by

While I don't generally support people getting plastic surgery I must also admit that it isn't my decision and there are a lot of reasons that it may be a good idea for someone. Long story short, while it isn't something I look for, I wouldn't condemn someone had they had cosmetic surgery in their past.

+2 votes
Of course, by

Even though I prefer that she would have no plastic surgery.

+1 vote
Other, by

Hmmm.....I suppose that could be possible, but I'd never be able to take her near a fireplace.

+2 votes
No, by

No, same-sex marriage is not my cup of tea, but I would have no objection (relating to plastic surgery) to her marrying anyone else.

+1 vote
Other, by

I'm already married with three women, they are enough

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