+7 votes
in Internet by
There are many search engines but most people stick only with Google. Which search engine do you use to search and what is the reason?
Google 14 votes, 67%
Bing 2 votes, 10%
Yahoo 2 votes, 10%
Yandex 0 votes
Other 3 votes, 14%

22 Answers

+11 votes
Google, by
I use Google 99% of the time because it's easy to use and I use Chrome a lot. Bing is OK but I can dig deeper on Google.
Me too! I occasionally ry the opposition just to see what they're about.
+12 votes
Bing, by
I use Google for info but always use Bing for image searches because you can just put your cursor over the pic and it will automatically enlarge for a better view.
+11 votes
Google, by
Google beacuse it is really the best one.
+8 votes
Google, by
Google cuz i'm used to it.
+6 votes
Google, by
I generally use Google; sometimes Yahoo.
+8 votes
Other, by
Google is my primary search engine; but if I can't find what I want on Google, I will try Bing.
+8 votes
+7 votes
Google, by
1. i have a chromebook so google is pretty much always there.

2. i've been using google for years so im use to it.. and

3. i like the search results  better
+4 votes
Google, by
Because I am a normal person
+4 votes
I use Bing especially for image searches.

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