0 votes

5 Answers

0 votes

I have no problem with them but I will draw the line if such laws have clandestine clauses that allow discrimination.

+1 vote

Depends on whether or not they're just ways for Christians to privilege themselves above everyone else

0 votes

Not sure what it is.. Sounds more extreme than just the right of freedom of religion.

+1 vote

All of these so called religious freedoms acts are nothing more than a cover for outrageous discrimination and bigotry of the highest order.  These states seem to think that only christians have rights in the country and want special privileges over and above all others.

+1 vote

Against. The First Amendment is sufficient in protecting religious freedom and if it isn't sufficiently upheld, what would make more laws of the same nature any different? Superfluous, imo. Unless of course, it isn't actually about religious 'freedom,' but rather religious 'power.'

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