+2 votes
in Miscellaneous ♑ by

In regards to the temperatures East of the Mississippi River...

From most of Autumn and Winter, temperatures were mostly above average and it felt more like Spring and Summer.  As a result, very few people complained about the above average temperatures and how warm it felt compared to how it should have felt.

Yet...here in Spring, with temperatures that are mostly below average and it feeling more like Winter...well, suddenly, almost everybody's complaining about these below average temperatures.  Even the meteorologists are complaining.

So, my question is, why do people complain now in Spring when temperatures are below average, but not when temperatures were above average during last Autumn and this past Winter?

2 Answers

0 votes

Umm... could it be that most people like warm weather better than cold weather?

+1 vote

People prefer weather that is mild and sunny, no matter the season.

After several weeks of short days, people want to feel the sun on their skin. Can't do that, if it's too chilly.

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