+2 votes
in Doubts by

It's been an issue for the past few years. However, it got to a point that I couldn't cope with it any longer. When driving from Chippenham to Norwich last week, I stopped at Maidenhead for a drink, only to realize that my lower back hurts so terribly and its almost impossible to bear the pain. 

3 Answers

+2 votes

I don't think I'm that old

+1 vote

Sorry this is a late reply, I just saw the question...did you ever see a urologist to rule out kidney stones or any other kidney disorder. 

Since this post was over a year old and no one answered you I answered too quickly according to what I had gone through. Tink is correct about problems with disks or possible arthritis and that should be checked out first. 

+1 vote

It's most likely a disk problem, or perhaps arthritis of the spine, or perhaps osteoporosis, but as Ladyhorse said, urological problems should not be overlooked.


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