+1 vote
in Politics & Government ✌ by

Not likely, given the knee-jerk secrecy of her campaign.  All very Clintonesque: don't tell the suckers anything you don't have to tell.


2 Answers

+1 vote

Probably the only reason it was released at all was for sympathy and maybe some extra votes. It probably would have been disclosed for the : Aw ! Poor Hillary ! People seem to fall for that all the time.


Maybe, but the Clinton campaign is VERY sensitive about health questions because of her fainting spells, concussion, brain clot, etc. They first said on 9/11 she was "overheated".  The story only changed when the video surfaced. And of course the pneumonia diagnosis had been kept secret for several days prior to her collapse on Sunday.

I wonder if whoever took that video will now get harassed by the politicized IRS and/or the politicized FBI?

+1 vote

Of course it would not have been disclosed if there had been any way to avoid it.

The Hillary campaign thought they had it covered when they kept the press corps far away from Hillary as she was escorted out of the 9/11 ceremony (and then collapsed at the curb by her van). They would indeed have gotten away with their "overheating" canard, except for that video taken by a bystander.

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