+2 votes
in Society & Culture by
Carl Jung thought the universe co-ordinated itself for us, somehow...once when trying to convince a skeptical patient that her dream of a scarab beetle was meaningful, a scarab beetle flew in the window just at that moment! (And the patient was thereby convinced!)

Anyway, Stephen Hawking often mentioned his own delight at his birthday precisely 300 years to the day after the death of Galileo, January 8, 1642 and 1942 respectively...Hawking admired Galileo as "one of the very first to argue that humankind could hope to understand how the world works, and, moreover, we could do this by observing the real world." 

And now it happens that Hawking's death is on Einstein's birthday, March 14...
So whaddya think, something special going on with synchronicities and such? btw, Station KREM in Spokane, WA has noticed all this and says NO, nothing going on here just random stuff...http://www.krem.com/article/news/nation-now/hawkings-death-einsteins-birth-and-pi-day-what-does-it-all-mean/465-a938a5b9-79fa-49e2-aa4e-dc997a761c08

"When beggars die there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes."

Shakespeare Julius Caesar (II, ii, 30-31) 

3 Answers

+2 votes

I think synchronicity had a lot to do with it. The birth dates and deaths are just too date related to not be! Maybe great minds are all connected somehow and the birth/death ratio isn't just random but related somehow. Can't say how but it sure doesn't seem to me to be a mere coincidence.

Maybe the date when I pass away will be the same as Gronk, the guy who made the first wheel! :D :D :D


Rooster I also love to play with ideas like this, the synchronicities...and I loved your own synchronization with (the immortal) Gronk, where would be be without him!!!

+3 votes

It is hard to explain.


So true, Kninjanin!  :D  :ermm:

+2 votes

I think coincidences can have an effect on some people's thinking if they internalize those coincidences, but do I think there is some external numerological web that causes coincidences to happen, in order to make a point?  No.

For example, Halley's comet is said to have been in the sky during the battle of Hastings, which changed the course of Western history, but what happened in 1910, when that comet made a very bright appearance, causing widespread unease?  If it was "meant" to be a portent of WW1, it was four years too early.  Maybe the stars thought humankind needed a lot of notice in that case.  ;)


Tink, often my very first laughing-out-loud of the day happens on SOLVED, and today it was you! :P  <3  (Shedding a tear for the demise of the external numerological web, now...sniff...:silly:...Carl Jung will be SO disappointed...) Plus now ima go review the Battle of Hastings...


Well, I'm sorry about old Carl, Virginia.  :angel:

Oh, and here is the comet, right there on the Bayeux Tapestry, with the people on the left pointing at it. :ermm:



O'Tink, I have just spent a wonderful few moments reviewing the Battle of Hastings...I was most interested in your comment that it changed the course of Western history...and came upon this!

"A culture and set of customs that had lasted more than 3000 years was wiped out and changed forever with the arrival of the new king. William’s rule saw the elimination of the Saxon way of life, and society was pushed toward Norman thinking."


Hmmm...this link also indicates the Normans brought LOTS of less-than-good changes...I may check and see if Barbara Tuchman ever took on Hastings in her historical meanderings. All this sounds VERY interesting,* as I endeavor to learn more about how we got onto this less-than-perfect-but-still-intriguing-capitalism-stuff! Or, might you have a favourite reference on this topic?

*20-20 hindsight, maybe Harold should have accepted William's offer to settle the question with single combat...


Maybe William was bigger than Harold.  :ermm: :) :D


Tink that is a fascinating bit of history; I learned that Harold had just successfully fought off an invasion by the Vikings. So his troops were exhausted and 'mauled' (whatever THAT means), in addition to outnumbered by William, but still the Saxons were holding their ground and even showing signs of prevailing! 

Then there are a couple of different versions, but somehow William's troops may have tricked Harold's guys into either leaving the 'high ground,' or else relaxing their impenetrable phalanx; so William took the day. Harold's two brothers were also killed, I think I read!

My own paternal heritage is Anglo-Saxon, eight Hoyt brothers having arrived at Ellis Island from England in 1804, so the family story goes...so I am glad to garner all these bits of "our" history...:D


Here is a picture of Harold's Queen, Edith Swan Neck, identifying Harold's body to two monks, who will take him for burial.  :'(




Tink, the illustration is exquisite, I thought...and I bookmarked the link for reference, concise but thorough! I learned that William ordered the Tower of London built! And, according to the link, those splendid Bayeux tapestry(ies?) were quite contemporary, perhaps commissioned by Eadith herself...

Here lifted is the part about the Saxons breaking ranks to chase the Normans, their undoing..."In the early afternoon William’s left flank of Bretons gave way, to be pursued down the hill by the fyrd they had been attacking. This break in the line, that Harold had so adamantly warned against, gave the Normans the opportunity to break into the Saxon position at the top of the slope. The incessant Norman attacks began to break up Harold’s army; the barrage of arrows taking a heavy toll, in particular wounding Harold in the eye."

And the names of Harold's brothers...Gurth and Leofwin...loved that...the whole story, still gripping your heart so powerfully, and poignant...just short of a thousand years on...

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