+4 votes
in News & Informations ⌨ by

Recently, the price of Bitcoin has exploded. Due to the low-interest rates all over the world. It's already digital gold. But it might not become a currency. The value of a currency must be constant and should not be changing every day. I wanted to buy some Bitcoin when it crashed a few years ago, just for some experience, but don't know how to do it. I won't buy it now.

Bitcoin ETF just launched in Canada

Tesla Bought 1.5B BTC - People can buy Tesla cars with Bitcoin

4 Answers

+4 votes

No, I wouldn't touch Bitcoin.

+4 votes

Yes I would. My best friend is trying to buy the rights to the old Ask.com to resurrect it and modernize it and all the payment will be made in Bitcoin. If he uses it? Then I will also.


Rooster that is fascinating! do keep us posted, that would be so wonderful. It was my very first encounter with online Q/A and I loved it so much...you and I first met there, I think you were MrJohnWayne?


Yep! That was me! Sounds like the deal is almost closed now and figure a couple of months to reconfigure everything and it could quite possibly be a reality.

+3 votes

I do not know if I will buy Bitcoin.

+1 vote

Nope not me, Dan. My life is very full and rich, and age 77 this year I need to keep things simple. So I still pay with metal coins and paper checks, still have landline phone (tried cell for 5 years, hated it, too intrusive), still read books made of paper!

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