+2 votes
in Pets by

One tough girl.  

4 Answers

+2 votes

That she was! Especially with a Mama bear and her cubs nearby.

Maybe Mama bear understood that the girl was only protecting the canine "cubs" of her own. :)

Have you had any bears in your backyard, Rooster?  :O
We only get deer and raccoons, and they are PESTS!

I see them here and there but not in my yard. Maybe on my property but never in my direct yard!

+1 vote

See bears up here all the time but they never bother anyone. Spooks the horses some is about it.

+1 vote

She is nuts...

+1 vote

I have seen this video before. She does a good job. The bear on the wall made it better for her!


Yes, she couldn't have done much if the bear had been on the ground.

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