+1 vote
in Politics & Government ✌ by

Does the U.S require a high-speed train such as bullet train, maglev train? When most Americans love to travel by car.

3 Answers

+2 votes

The United States and the United Kingdom are virtually the only developed countries without high-speed rail.

We had an ex Governor who tried to get one built from L.A. to Sacramento but it never passed mainly because of the cost. Money that could be used elsewhere, I suppose.

Too bad they didn't use the surplus to take care of the forests better or I wouldn't be at my ex wife's house!

+2 votes

I remember an American being incredulous that we Brits used trains for day to day travel.

We are building a high speed line no one wants.

0 votes

High-speed trains would be useful in the US Northeast Corridor, say from Washington to Boston.

For transcontinental travel, not so much.

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