+3 votes

5 Answers

+3 votes

According to my oldest son, who served three tours there? Opium production!!!  Although they have fallen into third of the countries that produce the most, they still make plenty of income.

Although they are against drugs, they sure aren't against making money!


In particular, the Taliban are not against selling drugs to infidels.  


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+3 votes
Some Afghans worked for the emancipation of Afghan women.

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+3 votes

I agree about opium.but they have a test cricket team....although the women’s team is now in big trouble.


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+2 votes
Afghanistan sells opium. 

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+2 votes
For a country to develop, it needs to be in peace and needs to invest in education, research, and development. There also needs to the private corporates and investment from other countries.

It needs to start producing low-end goods like toys, garments, and other items. And tourism is an income generator without much investment. Once they are successful, they can move to produce semiconductors like Taiwan and sports cars like Germany.

The landlocked countries have certain disadvantages than the countries which have access to the ocean. Usually, the landlocked countries are poorer such as Afghan, Mongolia. The landlocked countries must need to have a good relationship with the countries around them for using their airspace and seaport for trade. Afghan needs to have a good relationship with Iran and Pakistan.


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