+5 votes
in Education ✍ by

3 Answers

+4 votes

The Eastern Slavs are mixed Slavs and Vikings. They should have Baltic, Sarmatian, Turkic and Finish blood. Moscow is a Finish word.

+4 votes

The Ukrainian blondes (like Anna) are descended from the Varangian Swedes, SFA!   :)


I think our friend is blonde...she doesn’t claim Swedish ancestry :D


Well, they may be so far back that she doesn't know who they were. :)

+4 votes

Thoroughly appreciated both of these, SFA...even though I did not understand much of the Ukrainian Origins (too many haplotype numbers), still found them so fascinating that I watched every minute of both.


Anna from Ukraine does a daily blog.She replies to the comments too.


I was wondering...is Anna the Ukrainian friend on another website, that you and Tink have mentioned concern for her at present?


No...Anna is a different Ukrainian.

Our friend is volunteering in the National Guard and was okay as recently as last weekend.

And indeed today(April 20th) as she is back in Poland.

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