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3 Answers

+3 votes

Seven versions of the River Ouse in UK? That must be a Guinness record of some kind, SirFurry!


We have a couple of River Avons..

Afon is Welsh for river so they are River River!


Avon...beautiful...very nice contribution to the subject, SFA!

In the 1950's, there was a cosmetic company who enlisted all the local ladies to sell cosmetics door to door to their friends...very lovely products they had too! And it was "Avon calling," was their advertising slogan.

As late as the early 2000's, I could still get Avon catalogs, one came out every month...but their products were very different...not as delightful...perfumes and lotions with names like "To a Wild Rose," and Desert Flower, are two I remember from all those 60-70 years ago now!


Pretty sure Avon are still going here.....


Oh no! ...well, no doubt they are world-over, I suppose now...

+3 votes
I had to look up the etymology of the name Ouse to find out why it is so popular.
It comes from a Celtic word "uisg," which means water..

Oh I love THAT...naming seven rivers "water"...The River Water...Seven Rivers Named "Water"...


I guess the Brits are lucky that not all their rivers are named Ouse. It might be quite confusing.  :D


Well Tink, it could actually simplify things (in a manner of speaking :D), because on the other hand we could just name all the rivers in the world "Ouse"...oh, maybe we should keep out a little one in Russia and name it 'Vodka"...the River Vodka...I recall long ago, I decided the translation of vodka was "little water," or maybe more like 'darling water,' or dear water...

Yes I think we are on to something here, and you heard it first on SOLVED...


I think the Scandinavians have a better term... "akvavit," meaning water of life, from the earlier Latin "aqua vitae," which in the Middle Ages applied to any strong liquor, probably because if you drank it, your risk of dying from drinking polluted water was lessened.



Oh yes I like that, the River Akvavit...I think we are getting somewhere here, Tink!

I might also nominate to keep the names of the three rivers I have spent so much of my life by, because they are so pretty, named for local Indian tribes...the Willapa, the Chehalis, and the Nooksack...however I am sure the world will be much better place after we re-name all the other rivers, plus sending your limericks into the Dark Web!

btw, how come I have never heard of the Scandinavian Akvavit, I used to enjoy my cocktails or even straight up, before my body got too old to tolerate all that kind of nonsense very well...and me supposed to be Swedish extraction, too...I love that bottle, that was always a major criterion as to whether I would drink the liquor...did it come in pretty bottle...


Akvavit is distilled from potatoes or grain (like vodka), but is flavored with caraway, so if you tried it once, you might not have liked the taste. It is usually clear, unlike the akvavit pictured above.


Hmmm...yes, maybe I did not miss too much after all...caraway not being a favourite...


I like those Indian river names, although Nooksack sounds a trifle risqué in colloquial English.  :O


Oh Tink, i laughed...I lived by the Nooksack for twelve years, beginning 1998...and that never occurred to me...that river comes out from a glacier on Mt. Baker, I hiked around it, along it...even dipped stranded salmon, trying to spawn, from ponds left by a receding flood, lifting them back into the mainstream...


It never occurred to you because of your clean living in a pristine natural environment.  <3


I was thinking...you would probably enjoy knowing about this fern...Nooksack is the local tribe name for the bracken fern! You have probably seen them, where you live? If I can get the photo to load, here is a picture of the bracken fiddleheads, considered such a delicacy by the Nooksack tribe that they took the name, and gave it to their river also.

We always considered the bracken as not very pretty, tall and lanky, you would never put it in your landscape. But these little fiddleheads very tasty and nourishing, you need to pick them very young, before they take up the silica that is not healthy for us humankind...

So the Nooksack tribe considers themselves as 'The People of the Fern.'



I never saw anything like the bracken fiddleheads. Remarkable!

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