+4 votes
in Music by

Do you like Country Songs? What songs do you like?

Nine-inch nail is the original video of the above video by Johnny Cash --->

Both versions are good. One is about a dying old man and the other video is about depressed youngster.

4 Answers

+4 votes

Sorry, not much of a country music fan.

+2 votes

I am not much interested in country music. I like ambient, chillout, electronic, synthwave, classic and Serbian popular music.

+2 votes


The last video I added to the question is the original rock music video "hurt" by Nine Inch Nails. The "Hurt" video by Johnny Cash is the recreation of that song. Both are good.

+2 votes


The last video I added to the question is the original rock music video "hurt" by Nine Inch Nails. The "Hurt" video by Johnny Cash is the recreation of that song. Both are good.

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