+3 votes
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It gets like 103 here. Very uncomfortable and I wonder how people lived in the past.



4 Answers

+3 votes

It rained two days ago. It is near 20 Celsius degrees.

20°C is a pleasant temperature!
+3 votes

About the same as Goranko's weather Near New York City.

+4 votes

Locked into a dry spell but with cold winds.

May have a blip on Sunday.

+2 votes

Hi Dan,

Here in SW Washington State, we are having typical raincoast weather for early May now, between 50*F and 60*F, lots of rain with occasional sun breaks and occasional day of full sunshine!

However, our weather is changing. Strings of days in the last few years, as much as two weeks, where the temps get into the 90's*F....never seen THAT happen. Then last June 2021, we had a few days, three in a row I think, where the temps got up to 111*F and 114*F. People were dying from heat exhaustion...never in my life, my whole 77 years, have I EVER seen that happen in our cool, ocean-moderated weather of the northern latitudes, it has always been unthinkable.

I looked up Tamil Nadu and I see it is around 10* Parallel north of the equator...is 103*F usual there, at this time of year? have you had any unusually hot weather lately? Didge in Australia, who comes here to SOLVED sometimes...they were having massive rainfall and floods...careening out of severe drought and wildfires in the recent years...it's awful, people truly suffering there.


It usually gets hot at this part of the year but not sure what was the temperature in previous years.

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