+1 vote
in Movies by

This is my first survey, and I'm posing it based on DiCaprio's latest endeavor "The Revenant,"  which I've just returned from this afternoon. ( I promise I won't give a thing away. :angel:)

 Hopefully, any movie, well done always has us leaving the cinema with a variety of emotions and/or questions, but then, it doesn't have to always be cinema.....it could be most any medium, but in my case, whether it be film or that good book, I know I love to be prodded in that regard.  My personal choices in provocaton generally encompass military history, yet not always.  While I was deeply affected by James D. Hornfischer's wonderfully researched book, "Ship of Ghosts," which I could NOT put down, I was riveted to the screen by Tom Hank's role as Hank Noland in "Cast Away."

I like to be challenged in that regard, and affected by that "what if" scenario.....I think a few of us do.  I always come away questioning my ability, and so, today's movie probably compelled me to pose the following question and the choices.  You don't have to agree with them, just look them over and participate if you're so inclined.

The question: 

" Which of the following elements, do you feel would provide, increase, motivate, or drive you to survive some catastrophic event you were exposed to.?"


Love 1 vote, 50%
Revenge 0 votes
Luck 0 votes
Preparation 0 votes
Combination of luck & preparation 0 votes
anger 0 votes
other 1 vote, 50%

2 Answers

0 votes
Love, by

I think love would be one of them.

0 votes
other, by

It would be my stamina.  I would have to say to myself over and over again that no matter how tough things get that "I am that little engine that could."

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