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17 Answers

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I've experienced an earthquake before and there were wildfires pretty close to where I live. The two classic California disasters. 

+5 votes
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Things like that doesn´t happen here either.

+8 votes
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I've been through a couple of (very weak) hurricanes and a number of tropical storms, and experienced an small earthquake... they really weren't a disaster for me because like I said they were all rather weak or small and my parents were ready for them (electrical generator can be SOOO nice when the power goes out)...

The worst things I've remember, is one time I had to sleep in the bathroom (no windows, people were worried about the wind picking out objects, and knocking glass loose), another time having a tree split and (some how bending over my truck, without damaging it) and another time watching the water levels rise and start to flood houses in low laying areas, and watching it as it slowly kept coming further and further up the streets, stopping about a block from my house. So of the houses closes to the water got some 2 to 4 feet of water in their house.

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Yes, the big New England Ice Storm of '08.  Major suckage on that one kids.  Trees snapped in half, knocking out power for a week or better, in some areas around three weeks. 

Then I bought my first generator. ;)

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not anything too serious.

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I never experience a natural disaster but I helped a friend clean up and rebuild his house after hurricane Sandy nearly wrecked it at the New Jersey shore. I NEVER saw so much sand inside a house in my life.

That was very kind of you.... Were you sick? ;)
Nah, I know you're mostly good. :)
"MOSTLY" I said now.
He was a customer that became a great friend over the 25 years that I've known him. He did pay me for my time because he received a ton of insurance money. It's a 2 million dollar home. He also used to let me stay there for a week every summer too. My dog loved the shore.
Money or no money, still nice of you. I'm being kind to you for a change so take the compliment. I'll probably be on your back about something again soon! :)
Yes, I know you too well Ravin.
I can be sweet... Just not too often. Wouldn't want to spoil you!
No, God forbid!!!
Lol ;)
+6 votes
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I was in Florida when hurricane Floyd struck and it was very frightening...I believe it was the only time Disney closed and they closed every restaurant and shop and boarded up all the windows, in the hotel we were told to fill the bath and stay in the bathroom until it passed...

+6 votes
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And if you can call it a natural disaster...ww2 with bombs dropping all around us...

That must have been VERY scary, especially for a youngster.

I hope you were in a bomb shelter.
Some of my friends were in London during the Blitz. Scary stuff indeed.
I can remember going down the shelters when the sirens went off..half our road was blown up...my nan and grandads house was destroyed but they were down the shelter.
Dreadful times.
Did you watch the "Foyle's War" series?
It was big on realism.
I'm glad you got through safely.
+7 votes

They've happened, but didn't effect me a great deal.

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Flood of 1994 from Tropical Storm Alberto

County without running water for 21 days in the middle of July 100+ temperatures

Almost a dozen deaths

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