+5 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by
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6 Answers

+3 votes
Yes, by

Yes, but I don't go there. I get informations from internet when required.

+6 votes
Yes, by

 yes we do. 

+5 votes
Yes, by

Yeah, it's a couple houses down from ours actually :)

+3 votes
Yes, by

Yes, and it is in close distance to me.

+3 votes
Yes, by

I have one and I used to go there pretty often before but lately I have barely read any books but I still enjoy reading books but the interest was even stronger before.

+1 vote
No, by

Great idea but they would be Stolen and flogged by the Immigrants , the same ones that steal Charity bags that used to be left out by us , full of toys , clothes books  etc

No one will leave their Charity bags outside their door any more :/


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