+1 vote
in Beauty & Style by


Online 2 votes, 33%
Store 4 votes, 67%
Undecided 0 votes

6 Answers

+1 vote
Online, by

It just feel so easy and there is so much more stores to find online. There are a few clothes though like jeans and bikini tops which I prefer buying in stores rather than online.

+3 votes
Store, by

I prefer in stores because I usually like to try things on and feel how comfortable they are and all that. 

+2 votes
Store, by

I prefer shopping for clothes in the department stores.

+2 votes
Store, by

When it comes to clothes I prefer shopping in a store. You can see the real color of the item as well as try it on.

0 votes
Store, by

Generally a store, so I can see exactly what I am getting, how it fits, etc.

0 votes

There are only a few things I buy on line but when it comes to clothes and food I want to see ans feel what's available.

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