+5 votes
in Arts & Humanities by
I had
I haven't

11 Answers

+2 votes
I had, by

Like the door has been a little broken but nothing more I can really think of now. And that image is from the angry grandpas show on Youtube which I really like to watch:)

+2 votes
I haven't, by

I don't want to do such a thing.  

+2 votes
I had, by

As a little kid, I threw once a fountain pen against a wall, after having tried in vain to write my homework. The pen did not function properly, changing the cartridge, cleaning the pen, etc., did not help, and my request for a spare pen was turned down. Finally, after about an hour of useless efforts, I threw the pen against the wall. The wall remained spotless, but the pen was broken, and the punishment was severe ...

And what happened at school, when you didn't have your homework, or were you finally given another pen?   :-)
I had to do the homework with an old pen and the ink pot over a longer period.

Well, at least it wasn't a goose feather pen.   :-)
Lol, at least it was indeed a bit more recent; the pen in the picture resembles much to the one I had.
+2 votes
I had, by

Nothing serious.

I think I broke a pencil in half, whose point kept breaking every time I tried to sharpen it.

+2 votes

Lol - did you really break a wall?
A number of walls, a couple of doors, and (I admit with disgrace) a few living things too.
Well, walls and doors can be repaired, and I am sorry about the "living things".
So am I, for the most part.
I can imagine that.
+2 votes
I had, by

once. a very long time ago.. my laptop, but lucikly. i was able to fix it and exhange it for a new one :D 

+2 votes
I haven't, by

Nope... never have.

0 votes
I had, by

12 hymens and a TV remote.

+2 votes
I had, by

I don't break other Peoples property but I have broke mine in a Temper , it was either that or smacking someone in the Mouth.

Had a row about who was washing up once and I smashed every single fucking plate and said "no one I guess"    

That's my girl.
+2 votes
I haven't, by

No, because I know how much that stuff cost, and I'm not about to destroy something I can still get some use out of.

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