+2 votes
in Society & Culture by

Science fiction has told us that "in the future, people will get along and there will be few conflicts because everyone is so enlightened". The Internet allows all people as never before to communicate instantly with someone on the other side of the planet. Real life shows us daily that "enlightened people" use the internet to insult, degrade, belittle, and fight with people they not only have never met but will never meet.

Just because you can operate a computer doesn't mean you've advanced a great deal beyond bashing a stranger in the head with a rock.

Do you think I'm pretty?

3 Answers

+2 votes
Do you think I'm pretty?, by

The question may very well be moot.

Within a hundred years, computers/robots will be able to perform ANY cognitive function better than humans (not just arithmetic or chess), and then, as Hawking and others have warned, what happens if they decide we are superfluous, or indeed a drain on the planet?

We might go the way of the Neanderthals.

I tend to think it'll be more "borg" type thing.  They'll decide that with a few modifications, we can run the oil baths quite well.
Yeah, if we're lucky.   :-)
0 votes
true, by

Everyone should adhere to proper Internet Etiquette.

Should and do, are two vastly different things.
+2 votes
true, by

It is true. Many people like to insult and decrade on Internet.

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