+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

7 Answers

+6 votes
I´m Chinese and Swedish and I have been mistaken for Thai, Filipina and South American.
+7 votes
I'm Italian with kind of darker skin and many people have asked me if I was Hispanic or Mexican. MANY people ! I've gotten used to it over the years.
That's funny because when we went to IL, my Hispanic husband got mistaken for Italian.  My ex used to get mistaken for Hispanic in the Summer and we recently found out he is one quarter Black!
+6 votes
My grandparents were German, French, English and Russian. When I had hair, it was auburn and I had very fair skin so most people thought I was Irish. I'm pretty sure that I don't have an Irish bone in my body.
+5 votes
never have been mistaken for that but some people have mistaken me for being a Canadian Eastern.. apparently i have an Eastern accent.. my dad also gets that a lot  from people as well.
+5 votes
I have kind of unusual-looking eyes. I've had people think I'm part Asian, but I'm not. In reality I'm Greek, German, and Romanian.
+5 votes
+4 votes
I've never been mistaken for any other ethnicity. I am White, very White in skin tone. I do not tan, so don't go into the sun uncovered very long. It's funny because, I am over quarter Cherokee and probably have some Black, too. I guess the mostly German and Irish over rides the others.

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