+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by
See the movie first and then read the book 0 votes
Read the book and then see the movie 5 votes, 100%

6 Answers

+4 votes
Read the book and then see the movie, by

9 times out of 10 I'd rather read the book first. I guess there are some movies that are better than the books, but those aren't common. Like, I'm so glad I read "Ender's Game" before I saw the movie, because the movie didn't do it justice at all. 

I particularly enjoyed Ender's Game. I wouldn't want to spoil it by watching the movie.
+3 votes
Read the book and then see the movie, by

It feels more exciting to watch the movie if I read the book first.

+3 votes
Read the book and then see the movie, by

I think I prefer to read the book first.

+2 votes
Read the book and then see the movie, by

I would like to read the book first to see what differences the movie has in it.

+3 votes

More often than not I'd rather read the book and skip the movie.

For all manner of reasons the movie rarely comes up to scratch. (Case in point, The Millennium Trilogy, which were a great read but they attempted to squeeze so much into the movies without proper build-up that it just didn't work.)

+1 vote
Read the book and then see the movie, by

Actually, in our more or less provincial surroundings, we had rarely the occasion or the time to go to the movies as kids, but we read a lot of books, from classic to more modern literature, so, when we had the occasion to see a movie, we had, in most cases, read the books previously.

And later on, I also preferred to read the book first.

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