+6 votes
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Have you ever come to the point where, in taking stock of things, you look around and wonder if there's anything left to say anymore?

8 Answers

+6 votes


There's always something new going on, and lots of old stuff turning up.

+5 votes

There is always some doubt about details which might have been forgotten, which should be reconsidered, or checked, and other eventualities, additional questions, etc., might pop up.


+5 votes

Sometimes I do get that feeling that I am at a loss for words.

+5 votes

There was a cost-cutting motion placed before Congress in the 1899 to close the US Patent Office because "everything worth producing has already been patented". No, I don't think it's all been said.

What amazes me is the number of unique twists authors can give to the same tired old plots so that they come out all shiny new. The same is only partly true of TV presentations and sometimes the twists applied to a show make it ring true. It's only partly successful, of course, which sends the producers, and the purveyors of all manner of consumer goods, in search of fresh entertainment. And they came up with ... reality TV. >:-/

Mrs Didge and I were married in 1960 so we've been together for quite a spell, and we still haven't run out of things to say. I doubt that we ever will.


@ Didge   Soul mates never run out of things to say to each other  :)
You got that right, Dark One.
+6 votes

Yes and no.

Sometimes in specific situations or in certain relationships you do wonder if everything that could be said, has. Or that maybe you're too tired to keep it up, or it has reached its natural conclusion.

As a generalized way of being, no. My innate sense of curiosity is always looking for something new, a new twist, or something new that I can learn.

+3 votes

No because I am changing all the time FR 

My views , opinions and ideas , are not the same now as they were in my 20's image

Is that the way you feel my Friend ?

At times......I think I probably do, not always, but at times.  One reason I love going down to the sea to do just what your avatar is doing.  It's.......sort of cleansing, don't you think?
+1 vote

Oh Yea! Sometimes i am at a total loss. Words can sometime just be words and I find it harder and harder to find my words.


0 votes


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