+1 vote

5 Answers

+3 votes
Down here in the colonies we can respect what she's accomplished and the length of time she's held the throne, but we're not too big on kings, queens, and so-called aristocrats. So while I think she's a fine lady she's far too old-school stuffy for my taste. I wouldn't be inviting her home for supper any time soon.

But her grand-kids are a different kettle of fish. They've inherited their mothers charm and her love of life and probably represent a new direction for the monarchy.

Next time the vote for an Australian republic is mooted -- and there's a good chance that will happen in the next five years -- I'll be voting to break away.
+2 votes

I have mixed feelings.

+3 votes

she was born into a system not of her choosing tat has become archaic  But without all of the pomp and circumstance and History to be preserved She attracts tourists... It's a huge part of the British Economy

Therefor I mutt logically give the old girl a thumbs up though I would have a hard time accommodating royalty here.. Oh but then there ARE the Kimage ardashians and Honey Boo

0 votes

I think the first Elizabeth was a lot better.  But of course, the first one had much more political power, and probably more brains to boot.

0 votes

I like her a damned sight more than most of the Presidents the US has had in my lifetime.

New Year's Eve Countdown
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