+4 votes
in Health by


5 Answers

+5 votes

Fortunately, I don't have diabetes, but if I did, avoiding sugary things would probably be the hardest for me.

+3 votes

if i had diabetes. Pop would be the one thing i would cry over if i had to give it up!! (knowing me, i would probably still drink it but just not all the time)

+2 votes

If I did have Diabetes, ice cream and candy would be the hardest items for me to give up.

0 votes

I don't know

+1 vote

I have diabetes, but I actually don't give up anything that I used to eat before I had it.  The key is to enjoy foods "off-limits" (note the quotes) for diabetics in MODERATION.

Now...in the early days of having this disease, I was told to avoid certain foods (mainly sweets), but it backfired, big time.  I sneaked them behind people's backs as often as I could get my hands on them.  Often, this took place when everyone else was asleep and I was still awake.  Once I got my driver's license, I often went to the store to pick up "forbidden foods" and went on a binge eating obsession, even to the point where I got sick.

When I finally was allowed to have them, the obsession with sneaking them and binge eating them was mostly cured.  I still have occasional binge eating sweets, but not to the point it once was.  So, rather than give up your favorite foods (for those of you who have diabetes like me), simply enjoy them in moderation.  Enjoy!

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